Queen Marquaila Bradley

How We Met
It's 3:00 a.m., 40 degrees and I'm stranded on the side of the road with Marquaila Bradley.
Anxious to get back to Atlanta from the homecoming festivities, I misjudged the elements.
As I attempted to cross the median from the gas station, what I thought was a line dividing the road quickly morphed into a four-foot wide patch of grass enclosed with cement. In an attempt to make a u-turn, I quickly turned into oncoming traffic jumping a curb followed by a loud thump.
I popped my tired.
We were stranded.
Marquaila became "Quaila."
She's not the type quick to anger, but I could tell by the fold of her lips and the arch of her brow that she was pissed.
She called her boyfriend to rescue us. After three attempts, he was finally able to put on my spare.
During the ride, Quaila made two things were clear without ever saying a word: 1: don't kill us and 2) don't wake her up. At least I got one right. We drove the 264 miles in silence.
Sadly, she had to call out of work because of my poor judgment. We made it back around nine and spent the rest of the day together. She loves me that much.
Because she knows I'm not wrapped the tightest, she handles me with care.
We met in the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication on the campus of Florida A&M University in 2006. That is where we became journalists and that is where we became family.
In 2006, I broke her dorm window. In 2016, I ate the last three pieces of honey lemon pepper wings she saved for later. For 10 years, I have failed her, but she has never failed me.
She is my friend, my sister and a beloved colleague. Dr. James Hawkins would be so proud of you. I know I am.
Marquaila, you are too dope for words.
About Marquaila
Content creator Marquaila Bradley is a producer in the booth and bona fide risk taker in life. She was born with the responsibility and courage to serve as a medium for her peers.
A year ago, the St. Petersburg, FL native hopped in her car with no job and no housing… and headed for Atlanta. She had $0.31. She acknowledges God, FAMU and her family for her talent and confidence to be able to birth opportunities in less than two weeks.
When she isn’t producing at WSB-Channel 2 Action News, she’s cultivating her company, POPFilms.
“I see all of the stories that impact my community. I want to put them on the big screen so one day, things will change. I am here for a reason. I was always Part of the Plan (POP).”
POPFilms is her obligation to society. It is her brand… it’s her destiny.
How You Can Find Marquaila
Instagram: @_popfilms and @marq_myproducer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/POP-Films-1567737483523055/?fref=ts